![ID: 4460](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of CON <Con+1 Dex-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4448](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of CON <Con+1 Dex-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4459](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of CON <Con+1 Str-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4447](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of CON <Con+1 Str-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4462](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Con-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4450](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Con-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4461](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4449](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4463](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of INT <Int+1 Men-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4451](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of INT <Int+1 Men-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4464](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of INT <Int+1 Wit-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4452](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of INT <Int+1 Wit-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4465](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of MEN <Men+1 Int-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4453](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of MEN <Men+1 Int-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4466](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of MEN <Men+1 Wit-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4454](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of MEN <Men+1 Wit-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4457](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of STR <Str+1 Con-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4445](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of STR <Str+1 Con-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4458](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of STR <Str+1 Dex-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4446](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of STR <Str+1 Dex-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4467](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Int-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4455](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Int-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4468](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Men-2> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4456](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i00.png) |
Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Men-3> |
5,865 |
15% |
![ID: 4496](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+1 Dex-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4495](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+1 Str-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4520](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Dex-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4508](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Dex-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4519](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Str-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4507](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+2 Str-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4544](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+3 Dex-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4532](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+3 Dex-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4543](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+3 Str-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4531](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+3 Str-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4580](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+4 Dex-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4568](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+4 Dex-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4579](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+4 Str-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4567](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON <Con+4 Str-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4484](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON<Con+1 Dex-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4483](images/icons/icon/etc_con_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of CON<Con+1 Str-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4498](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Con-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4486](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Con-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4497](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4485](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+1 Str-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4522](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Con-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4510](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Con-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4521](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Str-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4509](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+2 Str-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4546](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+3 Con-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4534](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+3 Con-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4545](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+3 Str-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4533](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+3 Str-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4582](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+4 Con-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4570](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+4 Con-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4581](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+4 Str-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4569](images/icons/icon/etc_dex_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of DEX <Dex+4 Str-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4499](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+1 Men-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4487](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+1 Men-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4500](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+1 Wit-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4488](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+1 Wit-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4523](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+2 Men-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4511](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+2 Men-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4524](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+2 Wit-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4512](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+2 Wit-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4547](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Men-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4535](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Men-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4548](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Wit-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4536](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+3 Wit-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4583](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+4 Men-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4571](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+4 Men-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4584](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+4 Wit-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4572](images/icons/icon/etc_int_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of INT <Int+4 Wit-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4501](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+1 Int-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4489](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+1 Int-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4502](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+1 Wit-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4490](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+1 Wit-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4525](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Int-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4513](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Int-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4526](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Wit-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4514](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+2 Wit-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4549](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Int-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4537](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Int-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4550](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Wit-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4538](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+3 Wit-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4585](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+4 Int-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4573](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+4 Int-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4586](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+4 Wit-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4574](images/icons/icon/etc_men_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of MEN <Men+4 Wit-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4493](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+1 Con-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4481](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+1 Con-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4494](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+1 Dex-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4482](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+1 Dex-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4517](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+2 Con-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4505](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+2 Con-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4518](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+2 Dex-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4506](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+2 Dex-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4541](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Con-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4529](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Con-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4542](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Dex-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4530](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+3 Dex-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4577](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+4 Con-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4565](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+4 Con-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4578](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+4 Dex-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4566](images/icons/icon/etc_str_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of STR <Str+4 Dex-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4503](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Int-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4491](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Int-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4504](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Men-2> |
24,149 |
15% |
![ID: 4492](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+1 Men-3> |
13,799 |
15% |
![ID: 4527](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Int-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4515](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Int-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4528](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Men-3> |
31,049 |
15% |
![ID: 4516](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+2 Men-4> |
28,289 |
15% |
![ID: 4551](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+3 Int-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4539](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+3 Int-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4552](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+3 Men-4> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4540](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+3 Men-5> |
34,500 |
15% |
![ID: 4587](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Int-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4575](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Int-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4588](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Men-5> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 4576](images/icons/icon/etc_wit_hena_i01.png) |
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Men-6> |
41,400 |
15% |
![ID: 1401](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Acumen |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1402](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Agility |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1370](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Aqua Swirl |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1095](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Attack Aura |
86 |
15% |
![ID: 1411](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Aura Burn |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1050](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Battle Heal |
114 |
15% |
![ID: 1392](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Berserker Spirit |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1372](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Blaze |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1517](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Body To Mind |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1513](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Charm |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1399](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Concentration |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1512](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Confusion |
1,322 |
15% |
![ID: 1516](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Corpse Life Drain |
2,070 |
15% |
![ID: 1379](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Cure Bleeding |
1,322 |
15% |
![ID: 1053](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Cure Poison |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1416](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Curse of Chaos |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1055](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Curse: Poison |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1056](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Curse: Weakness |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 3944](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_blue_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Decrease Weight |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1294](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Defense Aura |
86 |
15% |
![ID: 1386](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Disrupt Undead |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1378](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_hfighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Divine Heal |
1,782 |
15% |
![ID: 1097](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Drain Health |
632 |
15% |
![ID: 1415](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Dryad Root |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1096](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Elemental Heal |
632 |
15% |
![ID: 1391](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Empower |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 4916](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Energy Bolt |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1380](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Entangle |
2,989 |
15% |
![ID: 1052](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Flame Strike |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1398](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Focus |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1381](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Freezing Strike |
2,989 |
15% |
![ID: 1054](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Group Heal |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1152](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Heal |
114 |
15% |
![ID: 1389](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Holy Weapon |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1049](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Ice Bolt |
114 |
15% |
![ID: 1515](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Kiss of Eva |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1388](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Mental Shield |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1048](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Might |
114 |
15% |
![ID: 1408](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Mighty Servitor |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1397](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Peace |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1383](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Poison |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1377](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Poison Recovery |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1410](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Poisonous Cloud |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1382](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_defighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Power Break |
2,989 |
15% |
![ID: 1385](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Recharge |
2,070 |
15% |
![ID: 1390](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Regeneration |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1412](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Resist Aqua |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1414](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Resist Fire |
2,070 |
15% |
![ID: 1387](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Resist Poison |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1413](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Resist Wind |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1514](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_white_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Resurrection |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1405](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Servitor Heal |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1407](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Servitor Magic Boost |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 1404](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Servitor Recharge |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1406](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Servitor Wind Walk |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 4908](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Shadow Spark |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1058](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Shield |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1394](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Sleep |
2,070 |
15% |
![ID: 1409](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Slow |
2,817 |
15% |
![ID: 4906](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Solar Spark |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1384](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_efighter_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Sprint |
2,989 |
15% |
![ID: 1669](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Boxer the Unicorn |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1403](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Kat the Cat |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1668](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Mew the Cat |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1670](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Mirage the Unicorn |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1667](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Shadow |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1671](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_summon_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Summon Silhouette |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 1417](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Surrender To Earth |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1400](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Surrender To Fire |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1418](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Surrender To Poison |
1,437 |
15% |
![ID: 1371](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_element_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Twister |
919 |
15% |
![ID: 4910](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Vampiric Rage |
2,070 |
15% |
![ID: 1051](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Vampiric Touch |
114 |
15% |
![ID: 1099](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_black_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Wind Shackle |
575 |
15% |
![ID: 1098](images/icons/icon/etc_spell_books_assistance_i00.png) |
Spellbook: Wind Walk |
575 |
15% |